May 6, 2022

Facebook For Business: A Guide By Tier Level


Facebook. It’s powerful. It’s where you connect with distant family, the family across seas, buy and sell, pass time, watch funny videos, and even where you can promote your business—that’s where we are going to focus today. 

Facebook for business; a side of Facebook that may be unknown or underestimated. Although you may know how to run a business, running your business on Facebook is much different. We will focus on 5 key things; What is a Facebook Business page, setting up your page, business page management, ads management, and best practices. So, you’re probably thinking, “I’ve heard enough Marshall. Let’s get to the point.” Ok, here we go. 

What is a Facebook Business Page?

A Facebook Business Page is everything you need to build and expand your internet presence. In the digital world we live in, this is a MUST for your business. Operating much like your personal page, your business page will allow you to receive and reply to reviews, respond to comments on your posts, interact with your customers, post live videos and stories, like, share, and promote others in your industry. 

With all that being said, your page needs to stand out. It needs to be clean, organized, professional, and display everything your company does. A creative friend or Youtube guide can help with the profile picture, cover page, and overall layout. You need a theme, a theme that represents your company. 

Setting Up Your Page

So, you’ve thought of a new business idea or just thinking about creating a Facebook for your business? Well, you’re in the right place. We are going to discuss some key things to remember and include when setting up your page

1. You need to create your page, with your business email and a strong password, remember this is a business page, not a personal page.

2. You need a good profile picture and cover photo. These two should vary a bit. The profile picture will be smaller and should be your logo on a clean background. The cover photo can include your logo and name, a good job photo, or a mixture of both. A graphic designer or some google research can help you with ideas. Both images should be high quality, clean, proportional, and arranged symmetrically within the guidelines (you’ll see these when you click “upload” on your profile picture and cover photo.” 

3. Fill out your business information and the page sections that fit the needs or represent your company in the best way. There are 9 options that you can choose to turn off and on. Although some will be fit, some may not. This is your choice. The ones that aren’t an option to change are; your home page, photos, videos, about, and community (shows friends’ posts and public posts that you were tagged in). All tabs are crucial to your overall brand and exposure. These are easily editable and you will learn how to change them once you begin navigating around your page. 

4. Fill out your About section. This section is where you will enter your location (if you have a physical address), your bio (this needs to be short and sweet), your website link, phone number, pricing, and more. This is all customizable and you can choose what has info and what doesn’t.

At this point, you should have a completed page, ready to post and interact. Now, it’s time to learn more about managing your page, whether you’ll be doing it or an employee will. 

Business Page Management

HOORAY! You’ve got your Facebook Business page done. It’s aesthetic and represents your business. You’ve learned how to make it pretty, let’s learn how to use it to its full potential. 

First things first, you need to post consistently. These can be a variety of job photos, promotional graphics, quotes, or other interaction posts. You or your employees can login and post or you can use a paid application like Hootsuite to schedule out your posts on a monthly basis. I recommend that you post yourself until you get the hang of it. 

When posting, you need to remember a few things. Your posts should be high quality and house good content beneath. There are many ways you can express your business in your caption. This is important. Hashtags are key. Using hashtags is an easy way for your post to show up on users' algorithms, and posts they interact with. Primary content is what the post is about, secondary content is normally separated from the primary content with the use of dots, dashes, or simple line breaks. The secondary content can consist of your business’s phone number and website link or hashtags that are relevant to the post. 

Now that you’ve made the post, you have the option to boost it or use a Facebook ad. 

Ad Management

If you are having trouble reaching your audience organically, one of these options, you might want to consider. You pay a fee to boost the post to a specific audience, based on age, gender, education, or location. 

Remember, you need to set a budget for these posts because they work. 

When you are utilizing either of these options, you need to use a compelling photo or video, caption, and target the right audience. You are paying for these, you want it to be worth it. 

Here is a quick guide to helping you boost your first post!

Best Practices

There is a lot to know about using a Facebook Business page. Don’t stress, it will take time for you to use it to its full potential and to the potential that best reflects your business. Whether you just started using Facebook for your business or you are going to start after reading this, there are a handful of best practices to remember. First is staying up to date on hours, updating your website link (if changed), pricing, and other business-related information that could change. Stay active. Staying active on your page will show you are authentic, and want to connect with your customers. 

1. Respond to reviews and comments. If you get a new review, reply and show them how thankful you are, or even screenshot it and post it on your story, showing your gratitude to the community. 

2. Comments. Comments are huge! This is authentic feedback that doesn’t take as much time as a review. I’m sure you’ve seen the MLB or NFL reply to comments on their TikTok or Instagram. 

3. You should stay trendy and up-to-date with the current times, don’t let your page fall behind. Identify a theme and voice for your page. This is the line or style of communication when responding to customers. 

Finally, your posts should include some emojis, it makes the post more enjoyable. We are all still little kids at heart and who doesn’t love emojis?

In conclusion, your Facebook Business page is yours. You can do what it is that you want. Not everything applies to every business style. Play around with it, make edits, delete and repost if you don’t like it. All in all, have fun with your page. As Margaret Mead said, “Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else”.

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Friday, May 6, 2022


Marshall Hatfield